Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Daily Wisdom from the Clapham North Tube Stop

So I had to create two posts today because every day since I moved to Clapham, I've been bestowed a bit of daily wisdom on the Clapham North whiteboard.

As I make my way down the Tube escalator, there is the thought of the day written up on a small whiteboard. Really good ones in fact. The board is positioned so you almost have to stop and read it. I usually read as much as I can from my vantage point and then I look forward to reading the rest when I return back from work because I have a better view coming up. But then that makes me ask...why don't I just stop on my way down in the morning??? Anyway....

I'll take a picture and post the good ones.

Here was today's quote:

“I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams” - Jonas Salk

How powerful is that...

Another one that really stuck in my mind was, "Don't make someone your priority, when you are their option." (not sure who quoted this) I love that one!

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