Sunday, 20 December 2009

Around Town

I didn't do too much this weekend. I am trying to keep it low key since I am going back to Chicago in 4 days! I did manage to go out and do some window shopping. There's something about shopping that fascinates me. I try to look for things that are different or similar to the States. I look to see what the best bargains are.

On Saturday, I went to the Kensington High Street. I wanted to check out Whole Foods and see if I could get Stanley some organic treats. There wasn't that big of a selection there but it will hold him over until I go back home and get him some 'real' treats. Like many Whole Foods in major cities, it was bustling. It felt a little like home.

Today, I went to Oxford Street. This street has the most concentrated area of stores in London. It reminds me of our Michigan Avenue and State Street combined in one. The windows are decorated. It was super crowded today but that's to be expected as everyone is doing their last minute shopping. Good thing I'm not in that boat. With moving to London and originally thinking I was going to be here for the holidays, I wasn't really gifting this year. While I'll miss getting everyone a gift, it's definitely less stressful.

I checked out a small Christmas market. Nothing like the chalets in Belgium. I am really glad that I had that opportunity. It didn't stop me from having roasted almonds and hot chocolate.

Here are my observations/revelations from being out around town and over the last week:

I really love the Victoria Tube line. It's closer to me than the Clapham North stop in the neighborhood that I actually live. This line is super fast and has really good connections. It left me right in the heart of Oxford Street in under 20 minutes.

Watching movies is not that bad after all. I didn't think that I had the attention span for it. Now that I have more time on my hands, I've watched: Sex in the City (yes definitely behind the curve on this one but just in time for the new one), Dirty Dancing (an old classic I've seen a gazillion times), Yes Man, Edward Sissorhands (I couldn't be bothered with it before) and Transformers (I had already seen it but was good). Not all this weekend but I did watch a few.

I'm being opened minded to music. I am listening to The Smiths, Morrissey, Depeche Mode, some UK hits, Sting, the Police, and the Beatles. Now I never thought I would like British music or even that really clubby stuff. I used to call Depeche Mode, cranberry music...(inside joke) But it's not bad...I guess when in Rome....

Nigella is awesome and inspires me to want to cook! I love her cooking shows especially the Christmas themed programs. When I get back from holiday, I think I'm going to have a housewarming party / post-NYE gathering with my new friends. I want to make her crab cakes. YUM!

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