Honestly it doesn't rain too much in London. I was expecting to have rain every day, all day and that it would be gloomy. Since I've been here, the weather has been great with the exception of yesterday. The weatherman warned we would have of one of the worst rain and wind storms and he was right. I ran out early in the morning to go to the cash machine and on the way home got soaking wet....I mean really wet. My shoes are still drying out today. But today was beautiful...as if nothing happened the following day. I can't really tell you the actual temperature because I am still learning the conversions but it's pleasant compared to Chicago's standards and sunny.
Today I had my first proper afternoon tea at The Orangery in Kensington Gardens - http://maps.google.com/maps/place?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS316US316&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=the+orangery+london&fb=1&hq=the+orangery&hnear=london&cid=17365645029516330284
Today I had my first proper afternoon tea at The Orangery in Kensington Gardens - http://maps.google.com/maps/place?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS316US316&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=the+orangery+london&fb=1&hq=the+orangery&hnear=london&cid=17365645029516330284
It was really nice. I met up with a fellow American Expat, Anna. She's the niece of my cousin's husband. We shared stories about livng and working in London and she gave me some good places to go for cupcakes, Thai food, Suishi and Korean food. Of course on the way there I got lost. I never seem to get to my destination on the first try. I walk usually walk too far or in the opposite direction or both. (Sound familiar Mari....) But I guess that's how you get to see other sites. Even though Mari and I walked by Kensington Gardens the first week I was here, I didn't realize that the Royal Albert Hall was right across the road from the park. See...a new place discovered from getting lost.
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