Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Two Ticks off the List

Two weeks ago, Mari returned for an encore visit to London. This time she stayed for 12 days. During her visit, we had a picnic in the park, cooked Mexican food and did some local things in London. Mari's been here several times so it was cool not to do the usual touristy things and give her a taste of what London life is for me.

When Mari arrived, it was one of the hottest weekends in London. In true form, everyone was camped out in the Common for sunbathing, people watching, and Pimms. Yes, Pimms, the summer spirit. I was introduced to Pimms in April by my friend Rob. It is a liquor that almost tastes like Red Bull. You mix it with Lemonade (aka Sprite) and add apples, oranges, strawberries, cucumbers, lemon, lime and a sprig of mint. Almost like Sangria. Since its introduction to me, I have also adopted this as my summer drink. Mari was amazed at how many people where out in the Common. While it nice that it was really hot, it wasn't so nice being stuck on the Tube or in an un-airconditioned flat. Luckily, I have a split level flat and my bedroom downstairs was really cool.

I also ticked off two of my 'To Dos' while in Europe. We went to a friendly football match - England versus Mexico and the Sex and the City 2 Premier.

The football game was pretty cool. I had high expectations that all the Mexicans I haven't seen in London would turn up. I was disappointed when I saw the biggest concentration were in the Mexican fan section. I came to the sad realization that there are not many Latinos in London. Most of the Mexicans that were at the game had come from other parts of Europe (From what I am told it is easier for Mexicans to get visas to other parts of Europe like France.) They didn't go out of their way to say anything when it was obvious we were paisas.

We had our share of comic relief with Englishmen being obnoxiously drunk. One guy was so drunk, he almost grabbed my friend as he fell to the row below us. He also passed out and his mates left him. The England fans were also dressed up in mustaches and Mexican hats! It's okay because we learned a phrase from the Mexican fans. When the England goalie throws the ball back out Mexican fans scream - Puutttoooosss! The Mexican fans used it freely even after the game. At the end of the match, we got to see Mr. Hottie, David Beckham, as the England team walked the field to thank all the fans for their support as they go to the World Cup.

I'm glad I went but I am not sure I'd do it again. Wembley has weird British snacks and they ran out of ice for the soda 10 minutes into the game. You can only drink alcohol at half time by the concession stands. After the game is over, you have about 80,000 people trying to get back on the Tube. While the police do an excellent job at crowd control, it takes forever to get out of Wembley Stadium. But I've experienced it...so on to the next one.

Mari and I also went to the SATC2 movie premier. We got to see Sarah Jessica Parker, Mr. Big, a glimpse of Kim Catrall, Cynthia Nixton, and Kristen Davis. We also saw other American and British celebrities as they made their way down the red carpet to the movie theater. I always get star stuck. We were like crazed fans, screaming their names and snapping photos.

While I am making my way through the list, I keep finding more To Dos. Stay tuned!

Thought of the Day

I've got a few posts that are in Draft mode but thought that I would easily put this one out in cyberspace.

Awhile back, I wrote that I am inspired by random Thoughts of the Day that are posted by the London Underground workers at the Clapham North Tube station. I have found a much easier route to take to work that doesn't involve as much crowds and waiting 20 minutes before you can squeeze on the train.

Typically on the weekends, I get on at this stop if I am going up North. Since Mari was here and we were doing the touristy thing - she also has no shame, we stopped and took a picture. She teared up when she read it...Ahhh...the feelings these thoughts can provoke.

Thought of the Day for Sunday, 30th of May.