I feel the need to blog about the little things in life that we (I) sometimes take for granted. When you stop to appreciate those things, it puts a smile on your face. I think this experience in London has opened me to see things like this. Periodically, I will blog about my little things.
Here are my little things for this week:
The email that I received from one of my best girlfriends (I am lucky to have about 10) telling me about her great news. I was very touched she remembered me thousands of miles away and included me in the girl gossip.
The daily IMs during work with Vicky. We were both on holiday together and separately so it had been awhile since we had our usual chat.
My catch up call with Rosie, giving her crap for not calling me but knowing that I am always on her mind. When we talk, it's as if I am right next to her...if you can understand that feeling.
My first Christmas card received in the post yesterday. Dang US Mail or maybe Royal Mail? :)
My great-aunt posting a message on my Facebook wall asking her if I called one of her contacts in London. She knows people everywhere!
What really got me this evening and prompted me to write this blog....Stanley's slobbery kisses and his enthusiasm. It's amazing what a dog will do for a little treat and for the love of his owner. We play this game every day to see what trick he will do for a treat. When I feel he's earned it, I say "Okay" and he happily hops over the kitchen where I keep his treats...tail wagging...Happy Feet.
Right now, he's relaxing by my feet. Ah...the good life.